
حقوق به زبان آدمی زاد


حقوق به زبان آدمی زاد

به زبان آدمی زاد درباره دروس حقوقی حرف میزنیم....

آخرین مطالب

متون حقوقی مرورDone

يكشنبه, ۱۷ تیر ۱۴۰۳، ۰۷:۳۶ ب.ظ

He was taken into custodyyesyesyesyes

Her killer had battered her to death. yesyesyes
تاحد مرگ زدش

 Adultery is considered a grave sin in many religionsyesyesyesyes


settlement of a disputeyesyesyes

Unlike an arbitrator, a mediator has no legal power to force acceptance of his or her decisionyes

it was abolished in the Ukyesyesyesyes

Subject of international law

Trainee lawyeryesyesyes

کاراموز وکالت 


They tend to support the communist attitude toward the legality of expropriationyesyesnoyes

به دنبال قانونی سازی سلب مالکیت اند.

.The loacl law doesnt fall below the minimum standardsyesyesyesyes

Their practice is not entirely consistent.yesyesyesyes

All other issues are subordinate to this one yesyesyesyes

EVery state enjoys exclusive soverniety  over the airspace above its territory.yesyesyesyes

هرکشوری از حق حاکمیت انحصاری بر فضای بالای سرزمین خود برخوردار است

Constitutive and declaratory schools of thought 

مکتب فکری تاسیسی واعلامی yesyesyes



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